Harmonic 8 pc Pipes Chime creates a series of overtones to help you relax and centre yourself. The Chime is based on full octave (C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C). Each interval relates to a different state of consciousness and body posture. Each interval affects your nervous system in a different way by activating specific elemental qualities.
This Wind Chime is tuned such that they are more in touch with the physical plane of existence of our body. The physical plane is more concentrated, crystallized in definite form, cognitive and revolves around the 5 human senses and various parts of our physical body like the tissues, fluids, bones, organs, etc.
This Chime produces pure sounds and overtones, the effect of which is to help relax and centre oneself. These Pipes produces different musical intervals. Every such musical interval produces a one of its kind relationship between the subtle energy bodies and the charkas.
It gives instant relaxation and altered state of conciousness.
These Wind Chimes are based on :
Root |
C 256 Hz |
Sacral |
D 288 Hz |
Solar Plexus |
E 320 Hz |
Heart |
F 341.3 Hz |
Throat |
G 384 Hz |
Third Eye |
A 426.7 Hz |
Crown |
B 480 Hz |
Higher Octave of Root |
C 512 Hz |
Dimensions of Chimes:
Length of Chime (from top Ring to bottom Wind catcher) – 48 inches appx.
Diameter of each Pipe – 1 inch appx.
Main Features of this Healing Chime:
Made from Good Quality Heat treated Aluminium Pipes.
Light wind catcher to give sound in low winds as well.
Top and middle portion are of good quality Wood so that position of pipes remains at same point same even after years.