This Tuning Fork is made in Aluminium metal and anodized with GOLD coating.
Many healers have experienced this as the combination of color therapy with Sound Therapy is a very effective healing tool.
The Gold color is all over the forks except on the tips as is shown clearly in the pics.
Bone toning can be performed before or after massage, bodywork, acupuncture, or chiropractic treatment. Use muscle testing to determine if a vertebra needs to be toned. You may tone just one vertebra, several vertebrae, or the entire spine. Each vertebra should be toned only with its resonant frequency. The vibrations from the tuning fork may help restore the bone's natural resonance and also may alter the frequency of nerve impulses.
You may also use a client's complaints, such as headache, or stomach, lung, or heart dysfunctions to identify the region of the spine that needs toning. Headache might indicate that the cervical vertebrae C1 and C2 should be toned. Lung problems may require toning the thoracic vertebrae T1 and or T2, and heart problems may be related to T2, T3, and T4.
To conduct a muscle test, ask the individual to extend an arm straight out. Place your hand on top of the wrist of the extended arm, and ask the person to resist having the arm forced down. Apply firm, even pressure until there is locked in resistance or the arm suddenly moves down.When the arm locks, the response is termed strong. When the arm collapses, the response is termed weak. When a person is lying down, muscle testing may be conducted on a leg raised at the knee. For the upper and middle spine, use the arm for muscle testing. For the lower spine, use the leg for muscle testing.
To check if a vertebra needs toning, touch the vertebra with one or two fingers of your hand and perform the muscle test with your other hand. If the response to the muscle test is weak, bone toning may benefit that vertebra.
When you have identified the vertebra that may need bone toning, be certain to use only the appropriate tuning fork for that vertebra. Each tuning fork is marked for a specific vertebra -- for example, C1 is the first cervical vertebra, T1 is the first thoracic vertebra, and L1 is the first lumbar vertebra.
Before beginning the bone toning, place the tuning forks you need within easy reach. Pick up a tuning fork by its stem and strike it at an angle against a hard rubber object. Then place the stem of the vibrating tuning fork on the skin above the vertebra for approximately 10 to 20 seconds. Repeat two or three times. After the toning, repeat the muscle test and if the response is still weak, repeat the toning. If the muscle test response is strong, the toning has been successful.
It may be necessary to repeat the treatment at regular intervals until the body regains its homeostatic, balanced state.
For more information about muscle testing and boning toning, see Chapter 7 of the book Song of the Spine.
Note: All these above contents of the description are made by Dr June herself and is being produced by her permission only.
All the 12 Tuning forks will have these engravings on it:
C1, T1
C2, T2
C3, T3
C4, T4
C5, T5
C6, T6
C7, T7
T8, L1
T9, L2
T10, L3
T11, L4
T12, L5
About Dr June Leslie Wieder
Dr. Wieder has extensively studied the relationships between sound, movement, and form, and how they relate to health and healing. A classically trained pianist, she is now studying the violin. She has been a practitioner in the health field for more than 20 years. After earning a B.Sc. in Psychology from Brooklyn College, she worked in the mental health field. She is a graduate of the Swedish Institute of Massage, and has taught medical massage in California. In addition to her studies of various forms of bodywork, she was trained in the Trager Approach® personally by Milton Trager and has been a practitioner for 18 years. She obtained her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life Chiropractic College West, and has practiced in New York and California.