The 11 Cosmic Octave Tuned Pipes are resonates to the orbit of each planet of our Solar System- Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,Pluto and also Moon, and Sun.
The planets in the solar system impart significant impact on human lives. Planetary influences can also be seen in our day-to-day affairs. Cosmic rays coming on earth from planets are absorbed by our body and are converted into an electric energy. This energy is then radiated in the form or our thinking and actions. Different people radiate in the form of our thinking and actions, Different people radiate different levels of electric charges/vibrations depending upon the extent of cosmic rays absorbed by them.
The frequency of planets is derived from its diameter, circumference,rotational velocity, orbital period and many more factors. Each pipe is tuned in such a way that it corresponds to frequency of each planet, Sun or Moon. Each pipe can benefit us in multiple ways. The potential for healing is enormous, not only for human beings, but for all of life.
All of the Chakra Set pipes except the Heart and Crown chakras are in this set.
Main Features of this Pipe :
Made from High Quality Heat Treated Aluminium Pipes producing beautiful and long lasting sound.
Carefully tuned to actual frequency as mentioned.
Gives Great healing effect.
These 11 Tuned Pipes are based on:
Sun - (also Solar Plexus/Manipura)
126.22 Hz |
Mercury - (also Throat/Vishuddha) |
141.27 Hz |
Venus - (also Third Eye/Ajna) |
221.23 Hz |
Earth - (also Root/Muladhara) |
194.18 Hz |
Mars |
144.72 Hz |
183.58 Hz |
Saturn |
147.85 Hz |
Uranus |
207.36 Hz |
Neptune |
211.44 Hz |
Pluto |
140.25 Hz |
Moon - (also Sacral/Svadhisthana) |
210.42 Hz |
Sun - 126.22 Hz - Yellow-Green - Leo &5th house: promotes generosity, opens the heart, stimulates creativity, promotes radiance from within, enhances self-awareness and self-expression,promotes self-confidence, understanding of self-will and assists in finding one's purpose. Meditation carried out to this tone will lead to state beyond good and bad, shame und guilt, beyond space and time, knowledge and wisdom.
Moon - 210.42, Orange- Cancer & 4th house: stimulates sexual energy, supports erotic communication, for woman it is good for regulation of menstruation, in general disturbances of gland and lymph system, promotes appreciation of home & family, opens feeling nature, discovery of deeper unconscious aspects of oneself, enhances intuition.
Mercury - 141.27 Hz, Blue-Green- Gemini & 3rd house: helps in speech centre and the communicative-intellectual principle, facilitates teaching, opens receptivity to receiving & understanding messages, opens one to knowledge and clear thoughts.
Venus - 221.23 Hz, Yellow-Orange - Libra & 2nd & 7th houses: Holding a tuning fork with the tone of the Venus on the third Eye lets in a great flow of love energy and promotes inner harmony, promotes aesthetics and appreciation of beauty, puts one in touch with Goddess energy and sensuality, restores balance, enhances one-on-one relationships, discovery of feminine attributes.
Earth - 194.18 Hz, Orange-Red- centre of zodiac: brings you in harmony with nature and yourself, A very effective point (corresponding to the first chakra) is the coccyx. The lowest point of the spine is the beginning point of the kundalini, The stimulation of this point gives power to the kundalini . The whole body gets energized and you feel more awake and alive, stronger and more energetic. It is advisable to use this in the morning, helps to put us in right relationship with Earth. Very powerful to tone Earth acupuncture points.
Mars - 144.72, Blue - Aries & 1st house: supports strength of will and focused energy, stimulates new ideas, promotes self expression, encourages new beginnings, creates vitality and vigour, encourages forward movement and self-assertion, discovery of male attributes.
Jupiter - 183.58, Red- Sagittarius & 9th house: helps in creative power and continuous construction, welcoming higher energies to come in, encourages travel & discovery, promotes optimism and encourages morals and ethics.
Saturn - 147.85, Blue- Capricorn & 10th house: Its support the ability for concentration, the general process of gaining consciousness and shows very clearly karmic connections. It brings structure and order. encourages re-assessment and self-discipline, deeper connection with crystals & gems, brings spirit into form, encourages structure, promotes commitment.
Uranus - 207.36, Orange- Aquarius & 11th house: supports the power of surprise and renewal, has primeval and erotic power, stimulates self discovery and self expression, supports the process of individuation, promotes detachment and more universal perspective.
Neptune - 211.44, Orange- Pisces & 12 house: deepens our understanding of mysticism, assists in getting in touch with past lives, promotes dreams, imagination and intuition, deepens meditation, encourages transcendence,enhances the dream experience
Pluto - 140.25, Blue-Green- Scorpio & 8th house: responsible for integration into certain structures of society,supports transformation and transmutation, assists in finding one's authentic power.
Along with Pipes You will receive Kit for Wood stand which can be easily assembled with the help of tools and instructions enclosed with the kit.
Dimensions of Pipe
Length – 32 to 42.5 inches appx
Diameter – 1 inch appx.
This wooden stand can hold upto 11 Healing Tuned Pipes. You can easily hold - 11 Planetary Pipes, 11 Mineral Pipes,8 Harmonic Pipes,9 Solfeggio Pipes, 8 Fibonacci Pipes, 7 Chakra Pipes or smaller pipe sets.
Packing :
11 Piece Pipe with Rings on each side
6 Wooden pieces with tools to assemble Stand for hanging upto 11 Pipes at a time
1 Rubber Mallet
You can hang these Pipes on Wooden Stand with the help of Rings provided on sides of the Pipe.
Use Rubber mallet to produce beautiful Planetary sounds &frequencies.